Apologies if this came through twice; I think my ISP burped, so I am

Still no luck with kppp, but I have my /etc/ppp scripts working, so at
least I'm not switching to win95 to get online any longer. However, I have
to run the scripts as root, or else pppd tells me it does not have
permission to open /dev/ttyS1. Changing permissions on ttyS1 doesn't seem
to work -- it eliminates the error, but nothing happens. Any ideas on that
one? It doesn't bother me too much to use root to dial in to my ISP, but I
would like to keep the system pretty transparent for others who use my

And, one other question. I'm pretty new to apache -- do I need to
recompile apache with venus to run dbm? I'm trying to run some dbm cgis,
but having no luck, and I'm not familiar enough with apache to know if I
need to rewrite my scripts or if I'm just not telling apache to enable
dbm. (To be more specific, can I continue to use commands like "dbmopen"
in my cgi files, or do I have to work with dbm files differently than I
have in the past? If I can continue to work with dbms as I have been, do I
need to reconfigure apache in some way?)

I hope that second question makes some sense, because I'm feeling pretty
inarticulate right now. Thanks in advance for a littl help. I'm thankful
for you experienced folks out there; I've learned a lot reading this list
the past handful of days.


| note my new non-Whitman email address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]    |
| Bye-bye Whitman; I'll be writing from U of Arizona in August! |

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