According to the xfstt FAQ, the method for adding fonts is as follows:

 Become superuser and copy ALL files for the new fonts into /usr/ttfonts.
Execute the command xfstt --sync,
 and check that the latest number of fonts detected has increased.

 However, from experimenting it seems that the best and cleanest solution
is to leave X Windows, become
 superuser and kill all occurences of the xfstt font server.  Execute the
command xfstt --sync, and then xfstt to
 restart the server.  Restart X Windows, and run xfontsel to check the new
fonts have been detected.

Wilhelm Bertalan wrote:

> Hi,
> Somehow it must be possible to include additional tt-fonts to the fonts
> already installed by Mandrake 6. I've figured out that there is a
> separate dir for ttfonts, but additional fonts copied into that dir do
> not show up. I believe this has something to do with "fonts.dir" listing
> the available fonts in a very cryptic way, so I am not sure how to edit
> it (I would also like to delete some of the original fonts, which are
> not useful for me).
> Thanks for all hints etc.
> Willy

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