On Sun, 27 Jun 1999, Stefan Dozier wrote:

> At 12:20 AM 6/27/99 -0600, you wrote:
> >Second, which will be just as significant, is that when I run my script as
> >anything but root, I get the error that permission is denied on ttyS1, my
> >modem. There must be some way around that, right? -- but modifying the
> >permissions on ttyS1 doesn't do it. I do have kppd suid. How should I
> >proceed?
> Have you tried setting `chat' suid ?
> That works for me, although I still using the 5.3 version of mdk.

Yep, I sure have, but I still get: 
        Failed to open /dev/ttyS1: Permission denied.


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