On Fri, 9 Jul 1999, Martin White wrote:

> To all who have offered suggestions on this one, thanks, but i'm still
> stuck.
> If i do a 'play my.wav' at the prompt the sample (or a very small snippet of
> it) just loops until i reboot the pc.
> Doing an 'insmod -f sblive dmabuf=1' produces an error saying that the
> symbol wasn't recognised (in fact doing a 'modinfo -p sblive' suggests that
> it takes no parameters at all!).

dmabuf=1 is a parameter for the sound.o module
> Downgrading the six audio / esound / sox packages didn't make the slightest
> difference, but haven't tried downgrading the kernel yet.

Kernel downgrade is probably the way to for the quickest solution

> Where do i go from here - please don't say get another sound card, that's
> not an option, i actually wanted this one that's why i bought it. Also don't
> say 'mail creative about releasing the source' - that don't fix my problem
> neither (well short term anyway). ???

Well i almost had my hands on one of these today, however my bud decided
to exchange it for an awe64 instead of tradeing me for mine, shucks..
and i know you told me not to but, mail creative if you have not done so,
you never know your one mail could put them over the limit to were they
decide to release them.

> Martin.
> PS: As 'play' doesn't work, i guess it has nothing to do with esound or X
> windows.


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