drek wrote:
> I'm seeing the same effect with the Mandrake 6 distro under both fvwm and kde,
> and it occurs at all resolutions.
> Whenever I move a window,  it develops ghost windows that are displaced about
> one inch to the left, right, and top.  They appear and disappear rapidly,
> giving a flash effect.  As soon as I let the window go, the effect goes away.
> It doesn't happen nearly as often with animated GIFs.
> This doesn't occur with RH6, COL22, or SUSE 6, same hardware and resolutions.
> It doesn't seem to hurt anything, but it is weird looking.  Haven't seen it
> since the bad old days of DOS3.3.  Haven't swapped the build of XFree for the
> one in RH6 just to see if it's there.
> I guess this is one for the people who compile kernels.  What compile time
> option could cause this?
> >  sliding that tool
> > > bar thingy in and out) the screen goes kind of jittery. As soon as the
> > > animation finishes, the jitters stop too. I
> >
> > I'm not clear what you mean by jitters, is it slowing down or is it more
> > like bad tv reception. Judgeing from the hardware i'd lower the resolution
> > or try a lighter windowmanager..

 I had that problem once when I had the scan rate/sync set too high for
the monitor see if you can adjust that a bit.

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