Heya, mind turning off the html your doubleing traffic..

On Sun, 18 Jul 1999, Rhichard Barth & Family wrote:

> Axalon wrote:
> > On Sat, 17 Jul 1999, Rhichard Barth & Family wrote:
> >
> > > Hey Axalon !!!!!
> > > Boy I'm always glad to get responses from you...(not that I'm mind the rest)
> > > So your saying:
> > > / boot = 20 meg
> > > /   = a lot of harddrive      then swap?
> > > swap
> > > Does LM know what to put in /boot ????
> > > if not, during the install what should I put in /boot?
> > > is this my mount point?
> > > does LILO go into /boot? (stupid question but i'm going to make sure).
> > > if I had a hda1 (windows 98 drive) original C:\ drive how should I mount that?
> > > Two drives one is 3.1gig with windows, the other is 13gig all for LM
> > > We went through this once before... in it VFat or DOS ?
> > > I'm using LAN Bridge software with my internal LAN and I will still need to use 
>Win98 for now
> > > once LM is up and running I'll be switching that computer over to server, but 
>until I'm totally
> > > up and running I have to keep
> > > my Windows box as the server (or my wife and daughter will kill me if they can't 
> > >
> > > Your friend
> > > Rhichard,
> >
> > The only thing thats critcal, is that the kernel lies fully within the
> > first 1024 cylinders. You should beable to handle all this from within
> > diskdruid,
> OK so hdc would be:
> /boot  (20-50mg)
> /        (being root or main partition)= bigmg
> then a swap partition (I'm figuring about 100mg)
> do I need to tell the install what to put into /boot?

As long as it's specified during install it will put all the files there
by it's self.

> > blank all the partitions create a linux partition of around
> > 20mb give it mountpoint /boot, anything you do with the rest is just a
> > matter of preference. As for what goes into the /boot partition/directory
> > it won't be any/much different that whats in the /boot of your exsisting
> > system, a system.map kernel image and other odds and ends. You can
> > install lilo onto either mbr, I'd recommend hda for simplicity.
> > Specifing the mount point for windows partitions is easiestly handled
> > during install while still in diskdruid, then after install you can add
> > any uid= or other such customizations to the fstab line. Msdos is the
> > standard 8.3 nameing scheme, Vfat covers longfilenames.
> >
> > Something along the lines of
> > /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows vfat defaults,noexec,user,uid=500 0 0
> Is this what I would type in diskdruid? or would this be in fstab?

thats the fstab line, in diskdruid just tell it /mnt/windows or something
you really only get one option with a windows drive and thats the mount
point. The uid=500 is an optional parameter to allow user 500 read/write
access (theres also available the, gid= & umask= options to setup a "vfat"
group to deal with allowing mass access)
> I want to be able to have both Win & LM be able to swap files
> e.g., downloads and such...

Yes, just specify the mount point and your all set for moveing files
around as root.

> Also while I have your attention....
> is Samba the way to go with a Windows server/network?

Well it's by far the simplest and cheapest sense you already have all the
required software, you can get win32 nfs clients and theres always ftp.
The howtos are for the most part simple enough for most to follow, the
registry patches are in /usr/doc/samba-(version) if your running anything
but the original windows 95.

> What is Wine all about?

Well like the documents say, Wine is an alternate implementation of the
windows API.

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