I had a similar experience with Mandrake 6.0. The root partition or
whatever you call it just crashed all to pieces. I read that you must
use fsck on /root with a boot disk or rescue disk. I used the rescue
disk that I made when I installed Mankdrake 6.0. I followed
instructions on the screen and kept typing "yes" as it queried me. It
fixed everything. This is on a home-made computer with an AMD k6-2 400
cpu and a Diamond C200 motherboard.

--- Khalid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi To all
> I have just installed Mandrake 6.0 on an IBM
> Thinkpad 1400.
> KDE freeze too often, I always need to reboot, but
> at boot time Linux
> tells me that the file system is corrupted and that
> I need to run a
> fsck. fsck tells ma that I have lost many inodes,
> alas these are often
> important KDE files, so my install gets totaly
> corrupted, I also loose
> the last files I have created, and the last
> modifications too.
> I have done some search in Dejanews and found other
> peoples which have
> the same proble with a Mandrake 6.0, although I am
> not sure this is a
> specific a Mandrake Problem.
> I thought Linux was rock solid, I was really tired
> about lots data and
> crash in Windowz, but now I must admit I am really
> scared !
> As a side note, I must add that I have a Mandrake
> 5.2 Installed on an
> other computer a Pentinum 120, and never experienced
> such problems. So
> this might be a Linux 2.2 problem too ?
> Can someone give a clue ?
> Thank you for reading
> Khalid

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