MAKE CERTAIN that the SVGA and the FrameBuffer Drivers are loaded.  AGP implementations tend to use the Frame Buffer Driver.  Reinstall if necessary to assure this happens, or use rpm if you can.

OK try SiS 6326 chipset (generic) on the video and Custom on the Monitor

Choose the sixth choice (Non-Interlaced SVGA)
and choose
for vertical

Now the file produced will be  /etc/X11/XF86Config.  It may be necessary to play with the interval in the timing loops

Modeline "640x480"   45.8  640  672  768 864  480  488  494  530  -HSync  -VSync

The first numeric entry is clocking your interface chip.  The next two numbers, in this case 640 and 672, should be changed if it appears your video almost works...  to something a little tighter, like 640 663  Also there are a NUMBER of options you can use to custom-configure if necessary, all documented at  and in the manual for XF86Config.  Comment out some of thhe many modelines, or all but one at a time, and see if that helps, too, then keep only those which work.

The main thing is to tell install you have an AGP and that it is generic SiS6326.  That is the best hope for a supported driver.  Otherwise, talk to for a commercial X server that will talk to your card.


Morpheus The Sinful Weeper wrote:

Ok, what about SuSe ?
Btw, as silly as it sounds, ive been messing with FreeBSD too and i find it
the easiest and better to install, if it wasnt for my low resource on
packages id have it up and running

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeanette Russo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sunday, July 18, 1999 7:36 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Problem...

>pup wrote:
>> Morpheus The Sinful Weeper wrote:
>> >
>> > I have a problem, I have a SiS620 AGP card and i cant seem to
>> > configure x-windows ..I also have a daewoo monitor , it isnt listed..
>> > neither is the card, maybe this is the problem ?
>> > Btw..the only two connections i could set up were mini-com, (which
>> > sucks because i dont understand ) and netconf, which sucks because it
>> > kind of locks up or something
>> >
>> > I really need some guidance, thanks in advance
>> >
>> >
>> > PS : I thought mandrake was the easiest one ? I'm thinking of
>> > switching to caldera or Debian, maybe even RH...heheh....
>You would be having the same problem in Caldera and Debian.
>> >
>> > PS 2: All of this ive done from the terminal...i cant configure X
>> >
>>  go to,it's oriented
>> towards using pc monitors on a mac,but it's had the specs/scan freqs for
>> all the monitors I've ever looked for there. (even a couple commodore's)
>>   they have ten daewoo monitors listed from 1423b to 1704c
>>  the card I can't help you with,but if you get the scan rates for your
>> monitor,then you can play with the settings of the card,as long as you
>> keep it within the monitor's limits you won't hurt either one.

Civileme Say:

"One who buys dual scan display soon gains Optometrist for best friend."

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