So far as I know, MANDRAKE has been tweaked for 586's (Pentium class).

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

On 7/19/99, 7:30:11 AM, Bill Traynor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote 
regarding [newbie] Trial (installation) by fire!:

> > I tried relentlessly over the last weekend to install Linux and was
> > unsuccessful.  What am I missing?
> >
> > Here's what I have:
> > old 486DX2/66 with 20MB RAM, AMI BIOS circa 08/08/1994
> > Trident ISA video card
> > Fujitsu 4.3GB hard drive
> > 40X CDROM, standard Floppy Drive
> >
> > Here's what I did:
> > Having just purchased the hard drive, I installed it, inserted a Linux
> > Mandrake 6 boot disk and rebooted.  The install began but froze at the
> > point where it say "Running Install".  Note, my BIOS does not allow a 
> > from the CD, so I was out of luck there.
> >
> > I then placed a Redhat 5.2 boot.img in the FD and rebooted.  The 
> > process recognized the Mandrake CD and appeared to have installed (2.5 
> > later).   Upon restarting, LILO froze at the letter I, only LI printed 
> > the screen.  I recognized this problem as one that I'd seen on mailing
> > lists, however, I wanted to at least perform an install to the point 
> > I could reboot and configure manually so I decided to try again from
> > scratch.
> >
> > I rebooted with a DOS disk and ran FDISK, deleting the Linux Partition 
> > Swap Partition.  I rebooted again, ran FDISK and proceeded to create a
> > Primary DOS partition.  At this point, FDISK indicated that the 
> > available space for the partition was 470MB.  What?  Why did this 
> >
> > So basically, I need to know how to start an install from scratch?
> >
> > Also, should I just invest in a cheap TX motherboard and P133 or
> > something, in order to avoid the limitations of the old motherboard?
> > Should I be able to install considering my hardware?
> >
> > I really want to add a Linux workstation to my Network (2 Win98 
> > networked using SyGate).  Eventually, I'd like to eliminate Win98 
> > and replace it with Linux.
> >
> > Any assistance is greatly appreciated.
> >
> > Thanks
> > Bill

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