On Mon, 19 Jul 1999, you wrote:
> Actually I have two pieces of equipment here.  The Cisco 
> AS5200 (with Rockwell chipset Mica modems), and a Lucent
> Livingston PM3A with the Lucent chip digital modems.
Interesting. We use an Ascend device here to answer the
phones (MAX TNT) and we consistently get WORSE connection
speeds with USR modems than we do with ANY other brand
(typically the BEST speed for a USR X2/V.90 is about 28.8.)
> I am glad you seem to have better luck than I do.  Some of this
> is Telco equipment sensitive, but I thought I would pass my
> ISP experiences along.  By the way...other Alaskan ISP's
> report exactly my same results.
I don't know why, but the connect speeds are MUCH better
for our customers with the Non-USR/3Com equipment. For this
reason we recommend non-USR equipment. I know many of the
"national" ISPs have used USR for their 56k server modems,
but we didn't go that route. I suppose the best advice
would be to find out what the ISP the gentleman would be
connecting to recommends and go with that. :-)

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