On Tue 27 Jul, Matt Stegman wrote:
> /etc/shutdown.allow is a file that contains the names of users aloowed to
> shutdown the system.  It may not be present on your system yet; you'll
> have to create it.

My shutdown.allow file is:


but only root can issue the shutdown command. When I try it as either other
user I get the error "bash: shutdown: command not found"

> Also check /etc/inittab to see if Ctrl-Alt-Del is being caught.  If so,
> anybody (not just those in shutdown.allow) may shutdown the system via the
> "three finger salute."  What you might do is change the Ctrl-Alt-Del
> command to "logout" or something else that's harmless.

My inittab file contains the line


but pressing Ctrl-Alt-Del does nothing.

I'm running Mandrake 6.0 on a Toshiba 480cdt laptop.


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The Britlinks     - http://www.britlinks.co.uk | democracy has died."
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