I think that " lessons " would be great for this list . After all it is a
newbie list . And I don't really understand half of what I read on this list
anyhow . Is there a " new newbie " list somewhere ? Am I really this far behind
the rest of the class ?


BTW...it seems like many of the books that I've seen take for granted that you
have more knowledge about Linux than I have . And I'm not new to computers (
just Linux ) . I'm the one that everyone in my family calls when they have
problems with there Windows systems !

Ripcrd6 wrote:

> >
> >Hmmm. Glad it helped. Maybe we should do some quickie Unix-command-line
> >intro lessons online. QUESTION: should it be on this list, or would it be
> >better to start a new, separate maillist? Or should we just try a few easy
> >lessons, and see how it goes, with the option to move elsewhere later?
> >
> >What say, everyone?
> >
> >
> >best wishes,
> >
> >richard myers
> Oh, please do.  I feel like I'm in remedial school anyway.   Damn, there
> should have been basic *nix classes required for every major at my Univ.
> They just told us how to do the bare minimum in the computer lab.  I guess
> they didn't want us to be dangerous.
> Brian

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