On Tue, 27 Jul 1999, Vox wrote:
> At 12:32 PM 7/27/99 , you wrote:
> > >
> > >Hmmm. Glad it helped. Maybe we should do some quickie Unix-command-line
> > >intro lessons online. QUESTION: should it be on this list, or would it be
> > >better to start a new, separate maillist? Or should we just try a few easy
> > >lessons, and see how it goes, with the option to move elsewhere later?
> > >
> > >What say, everyone?
> > >
> > >
> > >best wishes,
> > >
> > >richard myers
> >
> >Oh, please do.  I feel like I'm in remedial school anyway.   Damn, there
> >should have been basic *nix classes required for every major at my Univ.
> >They just told us how to do the bare minimum in the computer lab.  I guess
> >they didn't want us to be dangerous.
> >Brian
>          Count me in! :)  And if at some point in time we need to move it 
> to some other list, we can do it in OneList (it works nicely, I run 3 
> mailing lists there :) if nobody has a server to offer :)
>          Arioshi ba :)
>          Vox
> "Vox populi, Vox Dei"
> Pain is the gift of the gods...and I'm the one they chose as their 
> messenger....

I would like the lesson's of course, but I am not sure the list would
appreciate the extra bandwidth.
I seem to live in a cacoon, I never heard of OneList, but perhaps if it would
not be an extra burden, we can try to have a list for the lessons there.

John Love

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