On Wed, 28 Jul 1999, FORNWALL  JOSHUA JOHN wrote:
> I'm not sure what I did, but somehow I lost the taskbar and application
> bar from my desktop under my normal user name.  I'm being forced to use
> root so that I can access these, but I really don't like the obvious risk
> this presents.  How can I get these bars back?
> **********************************************
> Josh Fornwall
> **********************************************

Probably the easiest and quickest way would be to backup your existing
/home/username/.kde  directory to say /home/username/backup.kde  then when your
restart kde under that user account it will start up with the default desktop
setup. Of course this way you would need to set things up the way you want them
again, so hopefully someone might have a better idea for you.

John Love

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