An aside..Or should I say: A peripheral issue..
   I don't work with computer technology except to type lesson plans
and make instructional materials for ESL classes I teach to adults.
    So, much of what I study about Unix or Linux is lost through my
lack of use of it in my daily work. 
    So, I wonder if there is somewhere a list of problems and solutions
for Unix or Linux, a workbook as it were.  Something that presents
technical problems to the nontechnical user to help us practice what we
learn. And I am approaching 60 years of age, so I find this to be even
more necessary as my memory and learning capacities begin to slowly
   Does anyone know of such a thing? Is anyone interested in
collaborating on creating such a thing?
    By the way, I use linux as a desktop system, and I like 30000% more
than Windows. All the stuff about it not being ready for prime time is
adios, STeve W

--- Richard Myers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Because:
>   o Open source works better than closed source; and
>   o The lessons were developed partly using ksh
> rather than BASH; and
>   o It is entirely possible that there could be
> undetected errors; and
>   o Additional contributors will make the lessons
> better, I hereby
> declare:
> ...that everyone is invited and welcome to test the
> lessons on their Linux
> installations, particularly using the BASH shell,
> and to send me any
> corrections, suggestions for improvements,
> suggestions for new lessons, or
> even developed lessons in similar format.
> Maybe we can make something worthwhile out of these
> sessions for all new
> Linux users. (No, I'm not going to go to all the
> trouble of issuing a GPL
> at this time... grin...)
> Note: I'm not experienced enough (by a few
> lightyears!) to offer similar
> material on system admin issues. Well, there is the
> Linux Documentation
> Project. But that is more task-oriented than
> training-oriented.
> There may already be worthwhile efforts of this sort
> somewhere in
> cyberspace, which could provide cross-fertilization.
> Anyone know of any?
> best wishes,
> richard myers

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