Amit Khandelwal wrote:
> i'm tryin gto install linux for teh first time and i have the image-ISO
> file stored on a CD-R that i burned. i tried to download the boot.img
> file to stick on a floppy disk, but the image file is 1.4MB and every
> disk that i have formatted and tried comes to 1.38MB--there is some
> whacked file that is taking up the space, but i can't delete it. i have
> tried 10 disks.. does anyone know how i can circumvent this problem. in
> addition, once/if i get the boot.img file, what do i do next?
> thanks for the help

Supposing you are using some kind of DOS / Windows:

from a DOS command prompt enter

format a: /u

this will erase all data on your floppy and give you a capacity of
1.457.664 bytes. Next on your CD locate a directory called dosutils,
there youŽll find a program called rawrite. Now again, from a DOS
prompt, start rawrite and follow the on-screen instructions (it makes
life easier if you copy rawrite and boot.img in one dir on your hd) and
-believe me- it will fit on the floppy.

Next read the documentation on the CD and make up your mind where to
install Linux - you will need a separate partition for it (plus a swap
partition) and collect as many information about your hardware as you
can get.

Basically the installation process is getting the CD in your cd-drive,
booting with the newly created boot disk and following the instructions
on screen. If you got something wrong, simply start again.

Good luck,


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