Thanks to all who have replied.

It would seem to me that either a 486 is supported-or not-not some halfway
solution.  The HCL should be the definitive answer to this, and, according
to the HCL, it appears that it *is* supported, optimized or not, slow or

I think it really sucks that it installs properly but updates can't be
automagically done [as it was designed].

Also, while Bert has apparently stated the min. requirements on several
previous occasions, please keep in mind that *I* have never heard his
message before.  I'm a newbie, remember?

Finally, I'd like to say that the "free Mandrake support folks" gave me
advice that was not accurate.  They told me, as some of the other
respondents have, to "do it manually".  It's not the update utility that's
broken, it's the lack of appropriate RPMs for my architecture.  Doing it
"manually" provides the exact same results as the "automagic utility"-no
results.  Their response was worthless, I could have saved myself $50 and
downloaded Mandrake for free...

-Sean Noonan

                -----Original Message-----
                From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  On Behalf Of Bert
                Sent:   Thursday, August 05, 1999 11:18 AM
                To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                Subject:        Re: [newbie] RPMs (?)

                For the nth time. Mandrake 6.0 sucks on anything less that a
586... all of the
                packages are optimized for the pentium architechture. It
would occur to me that
                MandrakeSoft Tech support should have probably asked that
right up front.

                "Noonan, Mr Sean P." wrote:

                > I bought Mandrake-Linux so that I could get help if I ran
into a stumbling
                > block.  I'm pretty much a newbie to the UNIX world with
only a few months of
                > FreeBSD experience under my belt.  I therefore decided to
                > instead of downloading for free so that I could ask a
question if something
                > really bad happened.
                > Something really bad happened.  I emailed support and got
a half-ass answer.
                > I replied and told them so.  They told me that they only
                > "installation of the OS" but I believe my question falls
within that realm.
                > My problem:
                > I just purchased and installed Mandrake 6.0 and clicked on
the "updates"
                > icon within KDE/X.  I chose a local mirror.  The program
came back and gave
                > me several RPMs that needed to be upgraded.  I clicked on
the button that
                > said something like "go get the updates".  It got the
updates without a
                > problem.  However, upon trying to install the updates, I
got an error
                > messages telling me that the RPMs were for a "different
                > Indeed, the RPMs the update utility received had "i586" in
their names.  I'm
                > running on a 486, not a 586.
                > I've checked the official FAQ, unofficial FAQ, Deja, etc.
                > My question:
                > How do I fix this?
                > -Sean Noonan
                > [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                > <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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