On 10-Aug-99 Alan  Schussman wrote:
> I sent this a couple of days ago, but never saw it show up on the list.
> Perhaps it got burped out somewhere.
> On my new PC, mandrake 6.0 has worked really well -- even kppp is working
> flawlessly! But when I tried to compile some downloaded software the other
> day, I hit a wall of errors. First, make was missing, and I had to install
> it from an RPM. The second error I'm now getting is that all the .h files
> that I expected were standard (stdio.h, string.h, math.h, etc) are also
> missing. I can't find them anywhere. After installing gcc and all the
> libraries I came across on the RPM CD, they're still nowhere to be found.
> I'm inclined to think that since make was originally missing, I must have
> mistakenly not installed some things when I made the initial installation.
> Any suggestions for ensuring that I have all the proper packages
> installed to fix this one?

Most of the packages you need for compiling source code are grouped in the
'development' categories during install, which aren't selected by default
during a Custom install.  Make sure to select those next time you do an install.

Aside from make and pgcc (and pgcc-c++), some other packages you may need are:

glibc-devel     -- for C programs (this is what has those .h files)
libstdc++-devel -- like glibc-devel, but for C++ programs
XFree86-devel   -- for X-based programs
gtk+-devel      -- for programs that use gtk+
qt-devel        -- for programs that use qt

That's not an exhaustive list, just the ones that come to my mind off the top
of my head... should be enough for most programs though.  If you need any more,
you should be able to figure out what you need by browsing through the RPMS
directory on your CD.


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