
Happened to catch your note on Linux to someone else but this note is not
about Linux - - - So you use a Dvorak keyboard, too.  So do I!

And I am struggling to get into Linux RH6.


At 02:02 AM 8/11/99 -0600, you wrote:
> IMNSHO, he is asking a good question!
>First a word about the BeOS.
>Save your money at least untul release 5 (better even 6).
>I run version 4.5-1 but I would not buy it again,
>because there are no apps that Windows or Linux dont have.
>Linux is the OS of the future.
>For a casual computer user however, it is next to impossible to manage.
>As of yet, a practical manual does not exist. (This is the only weakness).
>If you can not download it for free, maybe wait for another year.
>You will save a lot of time and frustration.
>Maybe after Corel releases their planed distro things might change,
>but I would not count on them.
>Win98 or a Mac are the best bet for the average user.
>I work in the audio recordig industry and could not do my job without
>Microsoft or Apple.
>Having sayed all that I want you all to know that I hate Microsoft with a
>but the worst is over. Thank god, becase the past ten years have been hell!
>Via Magna
>ps: Do your hands a favor, learn the Dvorak layout.
>>    IMNSHO, that is exactly the wrong reason to switch to Linux (or Be,
>>or FreeBSD, or any other OS).  If you want a desktop OS that works like
>>Win98 but is non-Microsoft, maybe MacOS or BeOS would be better for you.
>>If you want to work (or play) with a powerful, flexible, open system,
>>where you can, with enough study, find out exactly what makes it tick,
>>Linux is great--but it isn't Windows, and it never will be.

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