There is a bug that has been found regarding bad unmounting.  Go to the
Mandrake Updates page and find the update.  I believe it was initscripts or
something like that.
-----Original Message-----
From: Aaron deRozario <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Friday, August 13, 1999 12:23 AM
Subject: [newbie] Curious fsck and changing login screens

>I have used Linux for about 8 months (RedHat 5.2) and have recently started
>using Mandrake 6.0.  I have been generally extremely impressed with
>Mandrake, however I have noticed a few strange occurences.
>1) I have always operated in runlevel 5 and used the Mandrake logon screen
>to shutdown or reboot my machine.  Now I have rarely rebooted, however on
>the two occasions I have used the Mandrake Shutdown button to reboot, the
>startup process informs me that hda1(hda6) was not cleanly unmounted and
>proceeds to run fsck.  Not a problem in itself, but I hate it when
>doesn't work as it is supposed to and I don't know why.  This same problem
>also occurred the single time I tries shutdown -r now.
>2) On some occassions this same problem has occurred when merely booting up
>the machine.  I know fsck is supposed to run after a certain number of
>mounts, however this problem has been occurring at irregular intervals
>sometimes as close as three boots apart.  I stress that I always shut down
>properly, using either the Mandrake Shutdown button, or occasionally
>shutdown -h now.
>3) This fsck has never caused me much trouble until last night when the
>indicated a large number of errors including a reference to
>/usr/share/config/kdmrc (I may have this path and file name slightly
>incorrect.  I apologise I am writing from work 12 hours later).  It also
>made reference to a saved Civilisation - Call to Power game.  When the fsck
>was complete the boot up process, which always indicates everything OK,
>up with a FAILED message.  I believe it said (again it was a while ago)
>it was unable to read /usr/share/config/kdmrc.  The next indication of
>something amiss was when X flashed up with the standard KDE login screen
>instead of the Mandrake screen.
>Using the Kpackage program I found the package that is responsible for the
>/usr/share/config/kdmrc file.  It came up with a cross instead of a tick.
>Thinking I was clever I reinstalled the package and rebooted.  Alas no
>change, the boot up process still indicated a failed read of
>/usr/share/config/kdmrc and I still received the KDE login screen.  Further
>investigation revealed that /usr/../kdmrc was a file of size 0.  Also, I
>think the saved Civ CTP game has disappeared.
>My question then is - how do I get my beloved Mandrake login screen back?
>Win9x friends laughed when I had to su root etc to shutdown and now I have
>got my own back I don't want that Shutdown button disappearing.
>Also what is causing these random fsck's?  I have heard that there are some
>file system problems with 2.2.9.  Is this the cause?  Will the Mandrake
>kernel update solve the problem?
>The file names I have stated MAY BE INCORRECT.  I aplogise for this,
>I am hoping that the description of my problem will be enough to give you
>idea of its likely cause.
>PS  As a quick query - why, whenever I add any new users to my system does
>KDE give me double icons for everything, one in upper case, one in lower
>(CDROM & cdrom, PRINTER & printer) ?  It never happened for root, nor the
>non-privilleged user created during install.

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