
Thanks for the explanation. I discovered Midnight Commander but thought
that I had actually opened and expanded the tar file by clicking on it.
Those questions are not dumb to a new newbie.

> Hello Steve,
>  Not a dumb question, the only dumb question is one that is never asked.
> There are several methods available to look inside of a .tgz, tar.gz,
> rpm file the easiest, without unpacking the file is to use Midnight
> Commander. In order to start Midnight commander all you need to do is
> type mc at a console prompt such as you would have when in an xterm
> under Xwindow enviroment or such as you would have at a normal Linux
> Console once you supply your login and password. Simply type mc
> When the file manager loads simply change to the directory in which the
> file is that you wish to view, highlight the file using your arrow keys
> then while the file is highlighted simply hit the return key to open it
> for viewing. I hope this will help you.

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