On Mon, 16 Aug 1999, Rick Fry wrote:

> Cute. I'm running Mandrake 6.0 with crummy graphics,

Did you misconfigure your graphics card? Which are you using?
My Matrox G200 works at 1280x1024, 32 bit, in Linux and FreeBSD...

> Windows 98 second 
> edition and Windows 2000 release candidate 1 with 1280 by 1024 by 24 bit 
> graphics and I haven't seen a bsod in months.

You must be very lucky then - I use Linux for everything, and occasionally
run Windows 98 second edition and Windows 2000 beta 3 for compatibility
checks and for games.
Both crash at me quite frequently; Windows 2000 beta 3 refuses to install
on my main computer at all (locks up completely during installation and
can't be recovered; I persume it can't handle SMP).

> Windows has grown up lately and it's obviously passed you by.

I don't see it happening.
I'll admit 9[58] and 2000 are better than 3.1 any day, but they still
don't compare to a real OS.


Tired of waiting for Windows 2000?
        STOP WAITING! http://www.ms-windows-2000.com/

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