On 16-Aug-99 KEISYA wrote:
> I just installed MANDRAKE6.0 and have been trying to install an
> application. Everytime I type ./configure, I get error : gcc - not found,
> cc - not found. Apparently there is no C compiler installed. Do I have to
> re-install the mandrake agaian..? Where is the option in the CD
> installation can I install the compiler ?
> Anybody would like sharing their experience about installing first
> application in your machine.
> Thanks in advance.

It sounds like you didn't choose the 'development' package categories during
install, so you're going to need to install a few packages required for
compiling source code.  Install these (rpm -ivh <filename>) from your Mandrake

pgcc-1.1.3-3mdk              -- C compiler
pgcc-c++-1.1.3-3mdk          -- C++ compiler
glibc-devel-2.1.1-9mdk       -- Standard C library
libstdc++-devel-1.1.3-3mdk   -- Standard C++ library
XFree86-devel-  -- For X programs
qt-devel-1.44-10mdk          -- For QT (and thus KDE) programs
gtk+-devel-1.2.3-6mdk        -- For gtk+ (and thus Gnome) programs

That should be enough for most typical programs.  There may be other devel
packages you'll need but if there are, it should be obvious from the program's
help file.  Aside from pgcc all the development packages have 'devel' in the
name of the package.  So for example if the README file of a program says it
requires SVGAlib then you'd install svgalib-devel.


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