I named my FAT partition as /mnt/Dos.  You might have to repartion all but 
your windows drive and reinstall linux.  I use this /mnt/Dos partition as my 
go between with linux and Windoze98.

>Subject: [newbie] some questions regarding booting and win partitions
>Date: Sat, 14 Aug 1999 21:50:18 -0400
>all I wanted to do was access my windows partition from linux and I've
>created tons of errors. I was reading up on it and someone it said that
>there is no support for FAT32 in linux, only FAT. this was ok, I'd just
>set up a 2gig FAT partition to be an intermediate partition, right? I
>created the partition and then when I tried to boot into linux BAM
>error. It said VHS panic root partition \dev\hda5 found hda1 ... <hda5
>hda6 hda7> and locked up. ok I thought this might happen because it
>would shift the partitions up. I then figured out from the boot disk I
>created when making mandrake I could type linux boot=/dev/hda6 ro (ok
>maybe some faqs helped out :) ). so this got me back into linux I
>thought I could just mount my hda5 partition, start emulating windoze
>apps, and all would be well. well that wasn't the case. I got into linux
>but I wasn't greeted by that nice gradiant screen with KDE or gnome
>selection, only that ASCII penguin and the bash prompt. I logged in and
>remembered that "startx" was used to get into KDE. welp I went into KDE
>as root and tried to mount my hda5. I used that exploring thing, went
>into the /dev directory and clicked on hda5. now KDE locked up. great. I
>used ctrl+alt+backspace to kill it. now I was back at the prompt. I
>typed mount /dev/hda5 but it didn't find it in etc/bin and some other
>dir even though I was in /. could anything else possible go wrong? yup.
>I thought GNOME might give me more luck in getting into my windows
>partition, but since that gradiant screen went away after I created my
>windows FAT partition I didn't know how to start it. I went into the
>gnome directory and found a readme. I was under the impression VI was
>like edit in DOS. ok I typed VI readme. It displayed ~'s down the
>screen, and locked up my keyboard! I pressed escape q! because I read
>somewhere that q! closes it but that didn't work. I couldn't do anything
>so I pressed ctrl+alt+del. this began to restart my comp, but then it
>couldn't unmount the root partition! well I just booted back to windows
>to write this message and I have a feeling my that linux partition's
>file system has been damaged. alright now I have a few questions.
>1) how do I get that gradiant login screen when I boot up back so I can
>select gnome?
>2) how do I access my windows FAT partition (hda5) I created to be the
>intermediate partition between my FAT32 partition and linux? mount
>doesn't work.
>3) I very much hate booting linux from a floppy, how do I get loadlin to
>work? I created a dir called linux with loadlin, vmlinuz,
>initsomething.gz and a bat with loadlin c:\linux\loadlin
>c:\linux\vmlinuz root=/dev/hda6/ ro in it, rebooted into DOS mode from
>win, and ran the bat. well I got some weird error.
>do you guys recommend I reinstall linux? I just have the fresh installed
>mandrake on my linux partition. well reinstalling would let me create a
>bootdisk that has /dev/hda6 as root on it, and fix q 1, but I still need
>to figure out how to access my windows FAT partition and get loadlin to
>I really hope all this trouble I'm going through to get linux set up
>pays off in linux being worth it. I haven't really been able to play
>around since I'm getting so many dang errors and problems..
>well, as always, thanks in advance for any help and info.

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