Open up a text editor of your choosing and open the file /etc/lilo.conf.
Where the version number of the kernel is listed, change the digits that are
different ( ie. to
Save the file and exit
Run lilo from a terminal
Reboot the machine using shutdown -r now

That should solve your problem

>How do I make it point the the new kernel? And on that note... where is the
>new kernel? What is its file name.
>At 03:24 PM 8/16/99 -0400, you wrote:
>>On 16-Aug-99 The Postman wrote:
>>> When I shut Linux down, it never unmounts the hard drive correctly. It
>>> hastefully shuts down. I might as well just hit the power button to shut
>>> everything down. On the following page is a fix specifically designed to
>>> address this problem...
>>> Here is what I did after downloading the appropriate files...
>>> rpm -Uvh initscripts-4.16-30mdk.i586.rpm
>>> rpm -ivh kernel-2.2.9-27mdk.i586.rpm
>>> I didn't get any error messages when installing these items. But when I
>>> shut down, the drive still will NOT unmount properly. Is there something
>>> that I am supposed to do besides run the RPM command to install these
>>Yes, make sure /etc/lilo.conf is pointing to the new kernel, and then run
>>'lilo' to update the MBR.

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