>> This guy is trolling you all.
>> (for the newbies a troll is someone
>> who instigates flamewars by using
>> inflammatory language)

I will admit that I am getting very frustrated with the hardware setup
portion of linux.. but I am learning.. and it is just lack of knowledge of
the system that is holding me back.

One thing I find a bit of a problem as well is the fact that MOST books on
Linux are written for one distro or another.. and not in general.. but it
is just taking me a little longer thats all.

I have succeeded in one thing though people.. I HAVE MY MODEM WORKING!!

I have my Motorola Voicesurfer working now.. it was just a matter of using
Setserial correctly and I am up and running now on ttys2 IRQ 11


Now I have two things left..   My SB64 pci card which is sharing an IRQ
with another PCI device and linux does not seem to like that.. even though
it is PCI complaint.

ANd my PNP ISA DLink 220 Networking card.. which I was not able to setup
durring the install.. I would like to get it working now.. becuase I would
like to make my own local area net with my laptops and my desktop.


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