I've been reading this list from afar for a few weeks now, but it is time to
jump in the pool.  The manner in which all of you have handled the "Hotmail
guy" is exemplary.  You know, in elementary school it was "my dad's bigger than
your dad".  In high school it was "my Ford's better than your Chevy".  Luckily,
most of us move out of those decades and realize that there are many wonderful
things to choose from in this world.  And that's what it is all
about......choice, and more importantly, freedom of choice.  I enjoy popping
the hood and getting some dirt under my nails.  With Linux , as it exists, this
is what you have to do sometimes.  But, it is, as we all know, changing
rapidly.  I started with RH5.2 went to COL1.3 to COl2.2 and now to Mandrake
6.0.  In my limited experience, I have seen only positive and major changes. 
BUT, I also use Win98....because I can.  There are those times when I do not
want to get my hands dirty!    Don't get me wrong.  Linux has changed my life. 
After 25 years of swinging a hammer, I begin courses this Fall in computer
Science.  I want to spend the rest of my days on this planet surrounded by
people like you all.  My choice.   Keep up the good work!
  Tom B.

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