I've got a dual-processor Pentium Pro 200 mhz system. I'm installing
Mandrake 6.0 on it. I plan to upgrade the kernel, etc after installing from
the CD. Which RPM files (specifically) should I install and in which order?
I know that there's an RPM called "kernel-smp-fb-2.2.9-27mdk.i586.rpm." Do I
need this one and where does it go? Also, what about just
"kernel-2.2.9-27mdk.i586.rpm"??? does that need to be installed?
I had an installation yesterday, but it had problems and when I went to
upgrade the kernel, I couldn't get it to work -- kept saying something about
an inittab or something like that not being found for "ernel-smp....." What
happened and how do I fix it? BTW, this happened when I tried to re-run LILO
to update the system map.

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