I decided to try vmware (30 day eval.), but have not been able to get it to work
at all (I am trying to use it with a pre-existing install of Win98 SE as the guest
OS).  The problem that I am experiencing is that the
virtual machine hangs as it starts the LILO boot sequence.  The only
thing displayed is:


I have read everything regarding dual-boot etc at vmware's web site, but
to no avail.  I have also tried fdisk /mbr then re-installing linux (something to
do with HDD geometry problems), but this didn't work either.  I would really like
to give vmware a good workout, to see if I want to purchase it.  If someone can
help it would be greatly appreciated.

FYI, the system specs are as follows:

PIII 450 with 128Mb RAM (64Mb allocated to VM)
dev/hda = primary master - 8.4Gb (Windows 98 SE install)
dev/hdb = primary slave - 4.3 Gb (linux install)
dev/hdc = secondary master - 5.1 Gd (windows games, etc)
Creative Labs Voodoo Banshee 16Mb video card


PS.  I also get a XFree86 DGA initialization failed error message - but
I assume that this is because of the driver that I am using for the
Banshee video card.

Tom Bishop wrote:

> Hello,
>  Anyone using vmware?  I need to install the tools for a guest os and cannot
> for the life of me, figure out how to download to a floppy (within the Linux
> host os) and load the files into the guest vm. (I've right clicked,
> etc....keep looking for a "save as" )  My host os is Mandrake and the guest os
> is Caldera 2.2.  Everything is up and running including the host  accelerated
> server from vmware, but the guest os is unusable until I can install the server
> from vmware for it.  I feel pretty dumb asking this, but this whole floppy
> thing escapes me.   I did download the tools to a floppy from Win98, but the
> extension changed to tar.tar instead of tar.gz and of course it didn't work.
>   Also have had no luck installing Win98 in a vm....close, but no cigar.
> Thought it would be really cool running Windows on top of Linux.   Think this
> one might be a vmware problem or a cpu problem, however.  Thanks for any help!
> Tom   (this is actually a veiled Linux question 8-) )

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