On Sun, 22 Aug 1999, Beo d'Wulfie wrote:

> Axalon Bloodstone wrote:
> > 
> > On Sun, 22 Aug 1999, Beo d'Wulfie wrote:
> > 
> > > Thanks for the help with (G)aim. Much appreciated.
> > >
> > > Next totally /newbie/ question. I am working on downloading my mail from a
> > > POP3 account. Fetchmail is configured and going. I seem to be missing a
> > > step someplace though because pine can't find the mail after I offload it.
> > > Where does the mail go? I'm not sure where to direct the pine setup to
> > > look for it. I've gone through the isntructions for Josh's LinuxGuide for
> > > my setup. I've done several whereis command searching for mail but nada.
> > > What am I missing?
> > 
> > Make sure sendmail or postfix are running, they should wind up in your
> > mailbox unless you've configured fetchmail to send them to another user.
> > 
> > check 'ls -l /var/spool/mail' the filename corisponding to your login
> > should be growing.
> Well I rebooted the machine and verified that postfix is running. I
> tweeked the 'fetchmail' config so that mail isn't removed from the
> server when I execute the program. Ran fetchmail and nothing. I've even
> tried elm since I hadn't run that yet to ensure that I hadn't changed
> something important in the pine settings. when running the ls-l command
> that was recommended it still remains '0'.
> Any other suggestions? I've a feeling that it's something simple that I
> missed, perhaps in my initial installation?
> Beo

Did you use fetchmailconf?

try this..
mv ~/.fetchmailrc ~/fetchmailrc.backup
fetchmail -N -L ~/fetchmail.debug --postmaster `id -un` --nobounce --keep \ 
        -u your_login your.mail.server 

if that fails check the fetchmail.debug, and make sure you didn't install
both postfix and sendmail.

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