Martin White wrote:
> Tried to checkout that link, but it seemed to be broke, so for the time
> being try this.
> My install is still on kernel 2.2.9-19mdk, so the directories in the
> following will need changing accordingly if you have upgraded your kernel.
> If you've done that, i'll assume you know enough to just follow the
> following...
> http://www/
> The file referred to from Creative's site is 'emu10k1-0.3b.tar.gz'.
> The instructions were in response to a previous post when the latest version
> of the driver came out. So far no-one has told me anything to the contrary,
> so i assume they work (i have given the URL out quite a few times now).
> If they don't, can someone tell me why and i'll try and correct the
> instructions (incidentally, i have had a few replies thanking me, so i guess
> they do!!). Obviously if resources are conflicting with modems and stuff,
> that might be a different matter altogether. Give it a go and let me know
> (although i won't get any mail again until the morning now).
> Good luck,
> Martin.

I received this message after I posted mine. I'll give this a go & let
you know if this works!

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