Ed Santiago wrote:
> I have Mandrake-Linux 6.0 installed and have downloaded all the updates
> and have been able to format a floppy give it a file system transfer
> some files between Windows and Linux. I reconfigured my kernel to the
> AMD K6 processor. I have played around with the thing but I can't seem
> to mount my HP-8100 CDR-RW.
> The secondary master is a LG 32x CDROM and the secondary slave is the
> HP-8100. I can mount the master via the icon on the KDE desktop.
> The more I read the more confused I get. If anyone can help it would be
> appreciated.
> FIC VA503+ motherboard
> AMD K6-2/400mhz
> RIVIA TNT 16mb (PCI)
> Soundblaster AWE 64
> WD 6.4gig HD
> LG 32x CDROM
> HP-8100 CDR-RW
> Windows 98SE & Linux 2.2.9-27
> When the Linux is starting up it lists the HP-8100 as hdd
> Complete newbie,
> Ed

Right click on the desktop, select 'New', then 'Filesystem Device'. 
Name it whatever you'd like then hit enter.  Click on the 'Device' tab
and enter /dev/hdd.

Should be all that's necessary!

Steve Philp
Network Administrator
Advance Packaging Corporation

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