I can remember lusting after as Sinclair Timex computer with 2K memory. That
computer lasted about a week before becoming obsolete. However, I got on well
with a Commodore 64 and with the top of the line monitor I had much better
screen graphics than the IBM PC's of that day.

There is a trucking web site which offers trucking software and has demos for
down load. If I rediscover it, I'll send you the url. They also have some jokes
and printed one of mine.

On Fri, 27 Aug 1999, you wrote:
> The bloatware comment is Oh so true. My first machine was a Amstrad that had
> 64K memory, no hard drive and ran in CP/M. One chap wrote a mileage program
> that fitted on the two sides of a 3" disk.

Art Rowe

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