I think most of us sensed that your comment was to let us know you had *nix
experience and were not a complete newbie, so as to not get too simple of
an explanation to your problem or a run-on sentence like this one.
Brian  ;-)

-----Original Message-----
From: Richards, Donald D. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>To those that offered suggestions, many thanks.  I followed all of them,
>a bunch that I got from the web, to no avail.  Probably what I did was
>follow so many that I combined things that wouldn't work together.  What
>solved the problem, sort of, is that I ran into the problem of the file
>systems that wouldn't unmount at shutdown and ended up having to
>Linux.  On a hunch (yes, newbies get them sometimes) I opted not to
>configure the local network, then I followed the instructions provided by
>ISP for the umpteenth time, and this time it worked!  So, the problem must
>lie in some unresolved conflict between the local network and the setups
>connecting to the ISP.  Even though I did put the correct info the
>resolv.conf file, perhaps there's something else that's needed?
>Oh, by the way... to the "gentleman" that wondered what would possess me
>post such a question to this list:
>Actually, I made the mistake of not specifying that I was using the
>version of RH6.  So sorry.  Even so, what would possess me is that,
>obviously, there are more than a few folks on the list who are more
>interested in helping people than in making useless comments like yours,
>evidenced by the number of helpful (including yours), if not successful,
>Have a nice day!

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