
I've got WinE to work and I'm experimanting with what will work and what wont.  But is 
it posible
to create a shortcut on the desktop to launch an application through WinE without 
having to use a
Also, when I open a window, the size isn;t right.  When I resize it so I can see all 
of it's
contents It's fine, but if I have to close it again, then re-open it, the size goes 
back to the
The last thing is when I drag windows around the desktop, is there any way of 
disabling the
function that takes it to the nearest object?  I.e when I'm moving the CD player, it 
will be pulled
toward any open windows, or the edge of the screen.
Is there any way of stopping those problems?

Thanks for any information.

Best Regards,
Paul Hendrick

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