>From root  Tue Aug 31 04:02:08 1999
Return-Path: <root>
Below is a system message I got saying that there was a problem with
my cron job "wakeup.cron":

Received: (from root@localhost)
        by slave1.chattanooga.net (8.9.3/8.9.3) id EAA09914
        for root; Tue, 31 Aug 1999 04:02:03 -0400
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 04:02:03 -0400
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cron Daemon)
Subject: Cron <root@slave1> run-parts /etc/cron.daily
X-Cron-Env: <SHELL=/bin/bash>
X-Cron-Env: <PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin>
X-Cron-Env: <MAILTO=root>
X-Cron-Env: <HOME=/>
X-Cron-Env: <LOGNAME=root>
/etc/cron.daily/slocate.cron: line 6: syntax error: unexpected end of file
/etc/cron.daily/wakeup.cron: 0: command not found
/etc/cron.daily/wakeup.cron~: 0: command not found 

Below is the cron job itself:
# Cron script to (hopefully) play an MP3 file to wake me up in the mornings
# at 6:00 AM Monday through Friday
0 6 * * 1-5 /usr/bin/mpg123 "/home/john/taco-puttin_on_the_ritz.mp3"

Ok...my question is as follows: What the heck is the problem? I do
NOT have the "0:" in there (I *used* to, but I removed it yesterday.)
Where did the system get that "0:"??? Do I need to reboot in order to
get changes to "take"???

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