On Fri, 03 Sep 1999, you wrote:
> Aaron deRozario wrote:
> > 
> > On a slightly different note, I also would like to install Mandrake 6.0 on a
> > computer without CD-ROM boot.  Could I use a boot disk from RedHat 5.2 to
> > select CDROM install and then let teh Mandrake CDROM take over?
> > 
> > Aaron
> snip
> Yes, I think you could use the RH 5.2 disk. All the boot disk does is
> provide a limited kernel which allows you to access the CD-ROM. I have
> never used this method, but will try it the next time I do an install.

I could be wrong as i have not realy been following this thread, but
when i tryed a while back to install redaht 5.0 and used a 4.2
bootdisk, it would not work, it bumbed out saying you must use a 5.2

> You can also boot with a DOS system disk containing the CD-ROM drivers
> then switch to the CD-ROM and complete the install. I have used this on
> several installations, and it works fine. 

If i read this correctly he wants to install from the cdrom in boot
cdrom mode via the bios, and he cannot do that.??, the answer is
simple, use the dos utils like rawrite.exe to create bootdisks for the
new install.

Like i said, i have not followed this thread so i might be poking my
nose in where it is not wanted.

> James Mellema
Regards Richard

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