Hi Bluebottle

Straying off topic, well sort of, I signed up with BTInternet about 2 months
ago and can tell you that the 0800 is more than worth it - cut my bill in half
instantly, in it resulted in more time online and less money and you cannot say
fairer than that.

Nigel Oulton

Bluebottle wrote:

> Thanks for the info Stuart. One of my friends is trying the download this
> weekend. He had CD writer and is also with BT Internet. We are both seeing
> if the 0800 number is worth paying for.
> I got my copy of Mandrake from French magazine on holiday. Where have you
> found to be useful in UK?
> I'm having intermittent problems connecting to BT with Linux. I also have a
> Virgin account. Would be interested in your settings.
> John the Nadger
> www.goon.freeuk.com.

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