At best I can get 48K. There is talk of a lot of developments but we will
see. In your position I'd be downloading everything in sight. We've managed
a download of the Linux version of Star Office. It took 4hrs 20mins.

----- Original Message -----
From: Brian Erikson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, September 04, 1999 6:51 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] newbie [re : Star Office]

> Bluebottle wrote:
> > Brian in Fremont<
> >
> > You've just upset us all as we are waiting to get such luxuries, in
> > over here. With all the will in the world we still have to wait for the
> > stagecoach :-)
> >
> > John the Nadger
> John,
> Sorry about that.  I am also sorry that I will be moving in a couple
> months
> and will have to give up the high speed connection and go back to 56k.
> I
> don't even know yet if I can get 56k, may be even slower.  For now, I
> must
> download all the big files I need before the move.
> Brian in Fremont

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