On Sun, Sep 05, 1999 at 10:30:37AM -0400, John Aldrich said:

> Get a UPS! I don't know why they would be SO much more expensive
> there in Indonesia. A UPS is the ONLY thing that will save you, even
> in Windows 95/98! I don't know if flushing the buffers more
> frequently (continuously?) would make any difference, but you really
> can't expect ANY O/S to *like* being shut down improperly, even
> Windows!
> Here in the US, you can purchase an APC 200 VA UPS for $66. I can't
> imagine it would be more than $100 for a similar piece of equipment
> there in Indonesia, even accounting for exchange rates, shipping,
> etc!  You really need a UPS! PERIOD!

US $66 is sooo expensive in here indonesia. mostly for student like me.
thats why we choose linux for works.
with $66 you can make a living for a month in Indonesia


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