On Mon, 6 Sep 1999, Luqman Hakim wrote:

> > > John,
> > > US $66 is sooo expensive in here indonesia. mostly for student like me.
> > > thats why we choose linux for works.
> > > with $66 you can make a living for a month in Indonesia
> > > 
> > Hm. Well, I'm sorry to hear that. Even with Windows 9x you're going
> > to have similar problems, eventually. Good luck!
> > John
> I choose Linux because it can run at a lower grade of hardware than
> windows, and windows has too much crash when lots of application
> are installed on it.
> There is a small linux group (one of them have Mandrake, and got simialiar
> problem with me) are being promote the linux.
> and i guess that they won't succeed if the power failure become a problem
> here.

As long as your not running the known broken kernel and initscripts, the
file system will stand up to a few random power outages. Untill
powersupply manufacturers build batteries into them, the kernel people are
doing a pretty good job. 

MandrakeSoft          http://www.mandrakesoft.com/

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