On Sun, 05 Sep 1999, you wrote:
> But where would it go?  /usr/local?  Should I make a special directory
> to hold downloaded packages?
When you unpack it using the method I gave previously, it will
typically create  a directory <packagename>. For example, I
downloaded seti@home as
"setiathome-1.1.i686-pc-linux-gnu-gnulibc2.1.tar" When I unpack it,
it creates a directory
"setiathome-1.1.i686-pc-linux-gnu-gnulibc2.1" IF it were something
that would need to be compiled instead of just being a tarball
distribution, you would then go into the directory and run make
config, make, and make install, followed by make clean. That SHOULD
put the binary where the author wants it to go, although if you want
it in a particular place, I suppose you could edit the source code
and tell it where to go (IMNSHO this would be a good idea for
anything you get off kde.org if using RedHat, Mandrake or any other
distro that puts KDE stuff in /usr, as KDE stuff defaults to /opt/kde
which doesn't exist in Mandrake6 or RedHat 6.)
As far as making a directory...yes. I'd suggest just a "raw storage"
directory for stuff you download and intend to use. That way, if for
some reason, you have to reinstall the package, you don't have to
re-download it.
Typically, as I said, when you get a "tarball" it will tell you where
it wants to go when you compile it. If not, unpack it, read the
included "README" file (or similar) and see what it says! :-)

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