On Tue, 07 Sep 1999, you wrote:
> > If not make another disk from your distribution cdrom or source.
> Sorry to bug you but: What kind of disk? I already tried making a boot disk
> (and could not), I made a rescue disk, and my installation disk works fine.
> How do I make the disk you are talking about?

I presume you are talking to me, my signature and the rest of the
text has been deleted, but i belive i stated the above.

Now i have said, i dont know mandrake however i prsume it will have a
directory on the cdrom holding different images for bootdisks, choose
te bootdisk , it easy to crate, from dos use the rawrite.exe program,
in linux you can use 'dd 'cp' or 'cat'
dd if=bootfimage of= /dev/fd0
cat bootiamage /dev/fd0
cp bootimage /dev/fdo

in dos. 
C:\> RAWRITE  \path\to\bootimage

> Thanks again
> Idris
Regards Richard

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