On Wednesday 26 June 2002 02:01 pm, Marcia wrote:
> Dear All,
> I downloaded and installed Crossover demo plugin and installed
> Quicktime, iPIX and a few other helpers, but my Netscape6 does not
> know they are there. They are properly installed and activated and
> I tried to add them to the helper application menu in Netscape
> preferences as suggested but nothing is working. I have LM8.2 and
> supposedly the plugger from Netscape is installed but is not
> working for me either. Any suggestions?

    Keep in mind you're tryin to use a proprietary Apple Mac app, 
ported to Winblows, but tryin to run it on a Linux system.  That 
said, go ahead and buy the Crossover plugin, the developers deserve 
the contribution.

   I've tried 3 ways of playin QT movies.

o   Codewavers (the Crossover people's) free rendition of wine.
        Works pretty well runnin QT5 from Win98.  Sound really sux.
        BUT Codeweaver's wine is still probly the best wine effort
        to use other Winwoes apps.
o   Codeweaver's Crossover plugin.  No nag screen, IME works better     
        than the demo. Sound is good, a few intermittent drops with
        a sound chip that's not recomended for this use (AC97).
        Only problem is the shortcommings of Quicktime player itself.    
        Works very well with Galeon, Mozilla, or Konqueror. I haven't
        bothered with Nutscrape in quite some time.  
o   Xine.  The latest xine-ui-0.9.12-1mdk, libxine0-0.9.12-1mdk plays
        QT movies better than QT5 runnin under Windoze or Crossover,
        ... video wise, I've yet to get the sound workin. OtOH, it's
        the solution I like, 'cause .mov's can be played multiply, full
        sreen from the CL. No need to to start the plugin or player for 
        each separate movie as with the Winsux or Crossover players.
        I've got CD's of QT movies that play for many many hours ;>
        http://xine.sourceforge.net/   (btw, they're seeking
        contributions also).
   So, IMO, your best bet for playin QT from a browser (other than 
Nutscrape) is to use Crossover.  Better for playin stored .mov's is 
Xine.  The QT on Linux situation has come a long way recently, expect 
even more shortly.  
    Tom Brinkman                      Corpus Christi, Texas

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