Guys, don't give others the impression that Americans are like this.
Everyone, many of us have not been outside our country and some of these
conditions, especially the customs problems, are hard for us to believe.
Myself, I have already heard much of this from an American living in
Singapore or Thailand who is building PCs for poor children and their
schools.   People in an internet based PC repair class were sending him
used PC parts and some times he didn't receive them.
Please give us time we are all learning to think globally.

-----Original Message-----
From: Tymanthius Rune Speak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>This reply is to John - go get educated man!  That is just about the most
>pompous post I've read!!  People with opinions like that are the reason
>countries can't stand Average Joe America!
>Do you think EVERY country is like Japan/Canada/Australia(sp)?  More or
>comparable to the US?  Geeeez . . .  I've been to Mexico (my mother-in-law
>from there) and at the time I was working a 1992 minimum wage job and I
>RICH in comparison!!
>My Aussie friend says it best:
>"Now I know why we have America - it's a good place to keep the
>Jose Alberto Abreu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Ribbo wrote:
>> On Sun, Sep 05, 1999 at 10:30:37AM -0400, John Aldrich said:
>> > Get a UPS! I don't know why they would be SO much more expensive
>> > there in Indonesia. A UPS is the ONLY thing that will save you, even
>> > in Windows 95/98! I don't know if flushing the buffers more
>> > frequently (continuously?) would make any difference, but you really
>> > can't expect ANY O/S to *like* being shut down improperly, even
>> > Windows!
>> > Here in the US, you can purchase an APC 200 VA UPS for $66. I can't
>> > imagine it would be more than $100 for a similar piece of equipment
>> > there in Indonesia, even accounting for exchange rates, shipping,
>> > etc!  You really need a UPS! PERIOD!
>> John,
>> US $66 is sooo expensive in here indonesia. mostly for student like me.
>> thats why we choose linux for works.
>> with $66 you can make a living for a month in Indonesia
>> --
>> Rib
>Yup, a UPS is more or less the same price here in Mexico...
>Problem is, i make around 2USD an hour (and thats a good salary here!),
>so its very problematic to buy hardware (long live AMD and Cyrix!)

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