On Thursday 27 June 2002 05:35 pm, you wrote:
> On Thursday 27 June 2002 02:15 pm, civileme did speak unto the huddled
> masses, saying:
> > Look over history.  Every watershed empire was eventually knocked over
> > by an outside force of less technically supplied, less organized
> > barbarians.
> i am a barbarian now?  cool....  :)
> linus must a wee bit of viking blood in him i admit.........
> > OK what can you do?  You can task yourself with educating 5 people over
> > the next 12 months.  And ask them to do the same....
> > That's really all that is required.
> that, and hope those you educate are not sheep, or the learning is lost.

May I add something else here? Make sure that a percentage of those 5 you 
educate (or re-educate, as it were) are under the age of say...10? What is 
that saying about what they learn young...?  <smile>


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