On Sun, Jun 30, 2002 at 11:59:40PM -0700, vangala sarma wrote:
>    I am newbie to this mailing list. I have linux mandrake 8.1 installed
>    on my home system. the system hanged when I tried to shut it down the
>    last time and I had to restart it. Since then, I am unable to boot the
>    system in graphics mode. If I say startx at the root I get the
>    following error messages.
>    Xauth: error in locking authority file /root/.Xauthority
Mon Jul 01 04:07:58 CDT 2002   really early

OK Sarma, I am assuming you are fairly new to linux, as you said you
are new to the list? if not sorry for the basic info [G] ...

if you can run startx you are now at the init3 or runlevel three console
with the ascii penguin ( I hope)...if so log in as root, or su to root
if you are already logged as user..

as root type either  mc which will start the midnight commander...you
can use this to navigate the system and edit files..it has a good help
file and you do not need X running to use it.

or you can  type cd /home  and go to home file for root.

Type  ls -la   that will list the files

find the file in roots home directory named  .Xauthority and rename it
to old.Xauthority.

type mv .Xauthority  /old.Xauthority

type ls -la again and make sure the file is renamed

when you run startx later it will automatically create another file
called .Xauthority and the error will be gone, X should start and you
should be back in graphics.

don't forget the . is part of the file name and indicates that it is a
hidden file...I think mc shows hidden files automatically but I might
not remember correctly?

be sure and let us know what happens.
Good luck
Olly P.
  4:02am  up 1 day,  8:38,  4 users,  load average: 0.49, 0.12, 0.04

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