daRcmaTTeR wrote:

 > John Richard Smith wrote:
 >>>> I still don't know about all the pluggins, Mozilla and Netscape
 >>>> seem to have so many. My old mozilla had java realtime as an rpm
 >>>> and I guess this serves again, and does not need changing ?
 >>> John... glad to hear that you've gotten everything installed and
 >>> working. I'm sure as you're already discovering that Mozilla has
 >>> come a long way just from version 0.9.8 to version 1.0. as for the
 >>> plugins you're going to have to download java, and flash,
 >>> macromedia, and realaudio plugins for Mozilla 1.0. you will have to
 >>> do this as root, otherwise they won't install.
 >> I like what I see, not had time to really use it yet.
 >> I have alrerady downloaded from  mozilla.org , javs, flash and
 >> macromedia ,though not real audio,
 >> I guess these will not do since they are for mozilla.org's own tar
 >> bar install. Yes ?
 > the one that you downloaded from my server is the same one that is on
 > mozilla.org. the plugin packages you grabbed will work just fine.
 >> I noticed with Mozilla  0.9.8  when the app comes across a need that
 >> is not yet installed while on the web
 >> it throws up a warning message   " XYZ is needed by Mozilla to ,
 >> view, enable whatever, would you like to install now from here
 >> -----<enter> " And sometimes I did so.
 >> your basically saying copy the url and install later , I think.
 > well, yes...if you come upon a page that causes Mozilla to squawk
 > about needing a certain plugin, copy the URL to the clipboard, shut
 > down Mozilla and then restart Mozilla as user root so you're able to
 > install the new software into Mozilla. I regular user doesn't have
 > enough permissions to do this.
 >>> It's telling that the sent folder isn't pointing to the correct
 >>> place in your home directory. check out the image i've attached for
 >>> seeing 'where' the settings are defined.
 >>> daRcmaTTeR
 >> OK, this  is in   Windows(formerly Tasks) - Mail+Newsgroup - View
 >> Settings for this Account - Copies+Folders  ,   and like you I have ,
 >> ( dot ) Send folder on     |    fsnet.co.uk                      |
 >> ( dot ) Drafts           on     |    fsnet.co.uk                      |
 >> ( dot ) Templates   on     |    fsnet.co.uk
 >> |         alternates are   `local folders '
 > [snip]
 > John, just take a screen shot of what it is you're trying to describe
 > to me and send it along with the message. It's a bit late, I've been
 > coding all evening, and my eyes just aren't comprehending what it is
 > you're trying to tell me.

OK this is a snapshot of the entry in copies and folders.
This neat don't you think. the send screenshot I mean.

This is another screenshot of Mail and Newsgroups window.
Please note you will see that the wizard that helps you set up the
accounts fails to create
an UNSENT MESSAGE catagory for noth my email accounts, yet it does for
local folders which I never asked for. See attatched.

OOP's I sent the wrong one , second time better.

John Richard Smith

PNG image

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