Mdk 8.20 - motherboard with Sound and Video onboard (PCchips M590).

After installation, I tried to listen to an Audio CD but have no sound. I can hear the standard sound when Linux begins but nothing from CD. The CD drive and cable are ok because I can listen CD at Win98 and from Dos. I can even listen to tracks from Konqueror file manager but not from CD. (they are tranfered to HD then played by Noatun).

I think the problem is the driver. The board uses CMI8330 (ISA) sound driver. At Cmedia site I discovered that the oldest linux driver is CMI8338 (last digit is different). They do not have linux driver for CMI8330. However, the system installed the driver CMI8338 which is PCI. Maybe, this is the reason for not having sound from CD drive.

Well, the sound manual, that came with motherboard CD, informs that sound chipset is full compatible with Soundblaster 16 / PRO / 2.0. So, I think that I can uninstall CMI8338 driver and install SB16 driver. I found three SB16 files already saved at HD (they sould be the driver files):

The problem is that I don't know how to do it. I went to harddrake > hardlist > sound board > mark CMD 8338 C3D (first line) and click over button "Run configuration tool" but nothing happens.

How can I change the sound driver ??

Thanks for the help

PS: At other devices line (those not recognized) there are other three lines: two for sound (CMD 8338 C3D) and other for PCI bridge driver.

Filipe Dutra

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