shane wrote:
> On Saturday 13 July 2002 08:08 am, robin did speak unto the huddled masses,
> saying:
> > Ideally we would have an OS that would be
> > comprehensible to a person of average intelligence with no RTFM, but
> > would not hinder the advanced user by dumbing things down. This is an
> > unattainable ideal, but an approachable one; as we progress towards it,
> > we are bound to lurch from one side or another.
> why does this sound like the speed of light problem?  will linux, as it
> approaches this unattainable mark, slowly increase in size until it is
> infinitely large?  sounds like windows...... ;)

Interesting thought!  (Sounds like something I'd mention, but you saw it

Anyway, then we need "code janitors" or refactorers to start reducing
the size.

Randy Kramer

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